64 Homemade Character Costumes – and I Still Don’t Know What To Be

Inspiration: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.

Inspiration: Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren

Inspiration: Cindy Lou Who from Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

The above photos were borrowed from a collection of 64 character-based, home-made costumes, with instructions at About.Com Family Crafts.

And here’s a list of 60 Favorite Book Character Costumes.

For several years I dressed for school on Halloween as “Ms Kill” (a play on my name: Kilpatrick). I claimed to be Mrs. Kilpatrick’s older sister who had to work on Halloween because it was too scary for her (me). I wore a high-necked, long sleeved lace-edged blouse, a suit vest, long black skirt and ‘sensible’ shoes. I ‘aged’ my face with make-up, ‘horn-rimmed’ my glasses with electrical tape cut-outs and put spiders in a grey wig made into a bum and netted.

I was nasty and spent all day telling the kids to ‘shhhhh’. They got the idea that Ms Kill wasn’t very nice and loved to try to make me laugh, which was Not Allowed – I’d screech, “No frivolity in the library!” – but they really didn’t get the ‘librarian’ reference and I tired of the repeated act. Besides, as the year’s go by I need less ‘aging’ make-up and that is no fun. 🙂

Since then I’ve gone as a wispy ghost (that was fun, I was completely disguised), a failed “Where’s Waldo” (few kids guessed right) and a witch (clichĂ©). Don’t know what I’ll be this year, I’m uninspired. I prefer ‘assembled’ costumes, rather than sewn (that’s just not going to happen), or purchased. Any ideas for me?


Filed under Books, Authors & Illustrators

7 responses to “64 Homemade Character Costumes – and I Still Don’t Know What To Be

  1. I’ve seen a couple of good ones for you. I saw a stick figure person. the lady had on all white clothes with a stick person drawn on the front and a cardboard head. the cardboard head could be a little awkward for school. And I saw a library fairy. She had a book on her back for wings. And a tutu made of book pages. I don’t know what I’ll be. I’m sure the Mom Person will come up with something suitably embarrassing. Happy trick or treating.

  2. I laughed with good humour. As I ‘aged’ I needed less classroom makeup to suggest agedness. I am a retired teacher. I miss the Hallowe’en parades and how Hallowe’en pushed all outside of their comfort zone to attempt to be a someone else – including me. Have a great day teaching.

    • Yes, it’s not so much fun to ‘dress up’ as old any more but much more of a challenge to attempt a reverse transformation. I do enjoy watching the kids though. Again, my ‘years of experience’ take some of the fun out of is as I rue the parades of ready-made costumes and those skimpy ones many teenage girls seem to prefer, that break all the dress codes – the ‘someone else’, as you say, they attempt to be for the day. We do have fun though and the young ones seem to appreciate the Halloween book marks I hand out as they parade through the library. Thank you for you comment. I’m glad I gave you a chuckle.

      • Yes, that’s one of the core enjoyments. Students are thrilled to be breaking dress codes, particularly school mandated. I do laugh – I do not think a ‘reverse transformation’ for me probable. I would look like aged Rockette – in a midi-skirt, of course.

        Have a great week.

  3. Margaret Little on

    I have been a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (too hot for this age 60 ), a blue crayola crayon, an apple with worm coloured arms, Jack Sparrow complete with wig, hat, and parrot attached, and most recently a giant piece of candy dots (white felt sandwich board-style tunic covered in little coloured pompoms – lots of glue there!). I have a new principal and new library, thanks to your inspiring posts re:Easy street…so it’s time for something new!

    • Wow! You must be very talented. I’ve only occasionally gone to that much trouble to make a costume and still don’t know what I’m going to be this year. Some of them sound like they would be very difficult to work in as well so I’m picturing you just having fun with the kids all day. Awesome!

      I’ll thrilled to know that you’ve been inspired by my blog and would love to hear how you’ve adapted the idea to your library.

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